Rochester Parkour COVID-19 Guide

New Health & Safety Policies and Infrastructure

Client Health Policies

  • Masks are required at all times while inside the gym premises and the walkway from outside.
  • Completion of our Online Health Questionnaire in full is a requirement for each day of attendance for each person in the gym.
  • Clients must wash their hands with soap and water before entering the gym.
  • Avoid touching your face while in the gym.
  • If you do, wash your hands promptly before returning to movement or touching shared gym equipment.
  • Maintain six (6) feet of distance between all non-related persons while in the gym.
  • Food consumption is not allowed in the gym until further notice.
  • Carrying personal belongings into the gym should be limited or eliminated if possible.

Understand that indoor athletic events are moderate-to-high risk activities and therefore extra precautions must be taken.
If you or a family member feel ill or are displaying symptoms of illness, please stay home and notify the gym of your absence as soon as possible. We are temporarily lifting our 24 hour cancellation policy.

Water Bottles and Breaks

  • Water should be placed in an easily accessible location in the water bottle shelf or your cubby.
  • Water bottles should not be placed in the movement space or in the lounge.
  • The water fountains may only be used as bottle refill stations. Drinking directly from the fountain is highly discouraged.
  • Use of water bottles may be restricted during classes to reduce traffic.
  • Instructors will facilitate by staggering clients into hand washing and water breaks to adhere to social distancing.
  • When allowed, water may be sipped by moving a minimum of twelve (12) feet away from any other persons, lowering your mask, and sipping your water.
  • Avoid wiping your mouth or otherwise interacting with your face.
  • Replace your mask before returning your water bottle to it’s shelf.
  • Sanitize or wash your hands before returning to movement.

Infrastructure Changes

  • Hand sanitizer stations will be set up at the following locations
    • The walkway in front of the large window
    • The front desk (desk staff only)
    • Near the back closet and exit
    • In the lounge area
  • The water fountain is restricted to bottle refill only
  • Water bottles may only be placed on the designated shelf
  • Bar trainers and weights may be used during open gym times, but must be turned in to a staff member after use for proper cleaning and restocking.

Event Changes

  • Classes are reduced to 45 minutes
  • A 15 minute transition period will divide classes to reduce traffic and allow for cleaning before the next event
  • Clients are encouraged to depart the gym quickly at the end of their event
  • Overlapping events are prohibited until further notice
  • Only one (1) spectator or supervisor per family may wait in the lounge area for a student participating in class.
  • The length of the wait does not change the policy. It does not matter how short the wait is.
    • Specifically, this policy is intended to facilitate parents waiting through their child’s class or similar circumstances. Waiting in the brick walkway area is not allowed.
  • Minors may not be dropped off to walk in on their own
  • Parents or family members must enter the gym at the same time as their student to ensure that proper check-in procedures can be followed.
  • Parents may leave again after checking in with their student