Acro class will be switching with our Time Trials class. Instructor Will has an unfortunate scheduling conflict starting on Mondays this semester. We apologize for whatever inconvenience this may have on your normal schedule.
Fun things on the curriculum this week:
- Tonight’s Acro class will be taught by Josh and is centered on crazy rolling
- Tuesday’s Time Trial’s isn’t necessarily lava themed, but true to form, as time goes on, more and more lava may be finding its way into the gym…
- Wednesday’s Level 1 is climbing focused. This is typically a nice low-impact option for those that want that
- Thursday’s Level 2 is one of my favorite skills! Underbars! We’re going to freakin’ fly!!!!
- Saturday’s Level 2 is Bar Swings. Go be a monkey
- Sunday’s Mobility is going to incorporate sliders. You know, those things I force you to use in Strength sometimes that makes you wonder why you go to that class. But for real, it’ll be amazing 😛
I still think I want that Front Bar Cage to go away… I’m just still not sure what I want to do with it yet. Ideas? Let me know!