
Alternative Avenues for Gym Support (Besides Membership)

Community members,

This is such an emotional roller coaster…  We went from tears of sadness, despair, and loss to tears of joy, gratitude, and humility.  So many of you have already come out to pledge to keep your membership active.  I’m not sure words can properly express just how grateful we are to you…

This blog post is going to address a few questions we’ve had recently from students and families who are not on a monthly membership plan.  Class packages make up nearly half of our revenue stream and that income only happens if there is a class to “go to”.  At first we didn’t know what options would be the best for this, but we put our brain storming caps on and have some alternative avenues of support.

Class Packages only result in income when they get used for a class or service on our Zen Planner page.  For those of you who wish to keep things the same by using class packages, we have a simple solution to help you support the gym during this trying time:

  • Sign up for class as if nothing changed…

I know.  It sounds ridiculous, but it is honestly the easiest way to continue your support of the gym as a Class Pack holder and to ensure that there will still be a parkour gym to come back to when this is all over.  Your reservation in a class service will help ensure a steadier stream of Class Package revenue once the gym does get the all clear and goes active again.  As is, if nothing were to change, most of our Class Pack holders would not be looking at re-upping their packages until late August or early September (depending on when we’re allowed to open our doors again).

At this time, we’ve decided to keep our class schedule unchanged.  Obviously, you won’t be able to come to participate in the class, but if you use the mental exercise of enrolling for and “paying” for a class as motivation to then block out time that day specifically for playful movement, you’ve not only helped keep yourself or your child active during this shut-down, you’ve also helped support the gym.

By all means, if you want an easier way to support the gym, membership will continue to be the most effective while also being the best value you’ll (eventually) receive for services at the gym.  Memberships make all the accounting for our expenses so much easier.

Alternatively, we’ve also decided to bring back the 3-Class Pack option.  This is a digital punch card that you can buy now to help us keep our lease, while also being a lower price point for those of you who are in the thick of it like we are right now.

Merch is still a viable option as well!  Merchandise links are down below as well.

Thanks for all your help and support.  We appreciate you!

By |2020-03-17T14:44:37-04:00March 17th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Alternative Avenues for Gym Support (Besides Membership)

RocPK is Closed, Movement is Not

Friends, Family, Community,

It is with deep emotion that we write today to inform you that, given Gov. Cuomo’s most recent ordinance for gyms, we will be closing our doors today, indefinitely.

This crisis will likely be one of the most challenging situations we will all overcome over the following days, weeks, and months, as businesses close, work diminishes, and expenses continue.

It is important to remember in moments like this that we are defined by how we respond in the face of adversity and struggle. We hope to remain as a positive outlet that inspires you all to stand up and face these challenges head on.

In light of this, we’d also like to remind everyone that the small businesses that surround our local communities are run by people – they are not faceless. You’ve run into them downtown, at the public market, at the festivals, or shows that we all attend. While our businesses are being forced to close, business expenses do not. Rent, insurance, utilities, and debts must still be paid in order to stay a business.

In turn, the staff we employ are also people within our community. As such, they will still need to pay their rent, utility, and grocery bills, just like we all will, but without the ability to work inside the gym they’ve come to call home.

We are pleading to any and all members who can afford to maintain their membership, to please do so. Any amount, no matter how small, goes a long way to ensure that when we emerge from this crisis, the gym will be there ready and willing to host the services that enrich the lives of our community. Any and all assistance is appreciated.

Additionally, as a personal note, I want to take this opportunity to remind everyone that your personal health and well being are the most valuable possessions you will ever have. The easy path right now is to confine you and your family members into your home and do nothing. I want to remind everyone that despite our “socially acceptable” movement outlets being closed, there are still things you can do to maintain (or start!) your healthy lifestyle habits.

Movement spaces are closed. Movement is not. Movement is forever.

Now is the time to figure out how to use the environment around you to stay active and to keep the playful spirit alive. If you or anyone else needs help figuring out how to remain active or how to safely and appropriately use the environment around you for these means, please reach out to us through email.

As I said in the closing of Saturday’s update, “social distancing” means “physical” distancing. If there’s anything we’ve learned from the explosion of the internet, it’s that physical distance is no longer a requirement to be a part of a community. We are already laying the groundwork to create opportunities for us as a community to come together and continue our love of movement.

Today we published a new page on the website. You can find it in the menu navigation titled “Live”.

With that in mind, let’s take a moment to focus back on one of the core values of Parkour:

“Etre et durer.” To be, and to last.

Parkour is a tool that we’ve found to train our bodies to be the best possible versions of ourselves, physically and mentally. We train to become adaptable people.

Today, let’s make a move to deflect the negativity of the uncertainty that surrounds us and choose to adapt. Let’s find ways to do what we’ve always done inside the gym – to look around us and see opportunity, rather than obstruction.

Today, our gym (temporarily) ceases to be a gym, and instead, has become the largest and most interesting production studio we’ve ever known! I hope that you’ll join our community as we work to empower each other to continue being the best possible versions of ourselves that we can be.

Today, many of our adult members were prepared to gather inside the gym for Movement Circuits class at 6pm. Let’s still meet at 6pm, but digitally, and discuss the thoughts and ideas you all have as to how to continue our lives as movers through this trying time.

I hope you’ll join us as we embrace this challenge head on.


Charles, Nicole, and the RocPK Family

By |2020-03-16T15:04:30-04:00March 16th, 2020|News|Comments Off on RocPK is Closed, Movement is Not

Monroe County Schools are Closed – RocPK is Open, for Now…

Community members,

Things are moving fast.

This move is going to put a huge strain on all of us Rochesterians as we figure out how to navigate the rest of our work, home, and hobby/activity lives.

Officially, Rochester Parkour is in agreement with these decisions and these moves.  Limiting physical exposure in high-traffic environments is a responsible choice to help limit the strain on our local healthcare system.

With that said, at this time, we feel like we’re in an interesting middle ground within the service industry.  Despite all of our recent growth over this last year, given our class schedule, the gym still only sees 40 visits on average per day.  At any point in time, there are fewer than 30 people in the gym.

Yesterday, we updated everyone on our cleaning procedures.   At this time, we are choosing to remain open and to continue being the positive outlet that we are for our families.  In addition to the guidelines and requests that we outlined in yesterday’s update, we are also choosing to take a more aggressive stance on ‘in-class’ hygiene.  Objects and bars are getting disinfected before and after classes.  Coughing, sneezing, (let’s be honest, with kids) nose picking, thumb sucking, or any other form of personal interaction that is known to escalate the risk of viral transmissions will result in our instructors asking the student to take a quick hand washing break.  We are asking that parents of kids stay during class to ensure that proper hygiene protocols are being met.

Additionally, given the challenges outlined in this post, RocPK is hereby temporarily suspending our 24 hour cancellation policy.  Should you decide for any reason that you or your family should not attend gym services, please let us know through text, phone, or email and one of our staff members will work with you to reschedule your visit for a later time.

Given how quickly and rapidly the situation is evolving and changing, this decision is not final and we will continue to monitor the situation on a daily basis.  Should the situation in our county escalate or we decide to temporarily suspend or cancel services, we will let everyone know with as much lead time as possible through our blog here, newsletter, and our various social media outlets.

In conclusion, it’s important during stressful times like this to remember that we are all in this together.  The term being used right now is “social distancing”, but what they mean by that is “physical” distancing.  More than ever, it’s important for us to remember to use our thoughts, voices, and actions in ways that help alleviate the stress of those around us, rather than add to the seemingly endless pile of negativity.

Thank you for being the awesome people that you are.  We’ll get through this together.


Charlie, Nicole, and all RocPK Staff

By |2020-03-14T18:13:17-04:00March 14th, 2020|News|Comments Off on Monroe County Schools are Closed – RocPK is Open, for Now…

RocPK’s Strategy in Dealing with COVID-19

As a business operating within the service industry, we take the health and safety of our environment seriously. We’ve always operated in a manner that strives to maintain a clean gym space for all participants.

With that in mind, in conjunction with the current pre-cautionary measures being advised by our CDC, we’ve even further stepped up our cleaning procedures. Our gym floor continues to get mopped twice a day during opening and closing. Our surface cleaning schedule of twice per day (with the virucidal cleaner we’ve used for years) is being bumped to several times throughout the day. We’ve initiated a more aggressive schedule for cleaning our bars using the same virucidal cleaner. Our door handle cleaning is being bumped as well to several times per day.

The gym is our sanctuary. It’s our amazing communal space where many diverse groups of people come together with a shared love of movement and their quest for a more holistic sense of well being. Being a communal space, we’re calling on our community to help do their part to ensure that the gym remains the sanctuary we strive for it to be. Below is a list of simple recommendations that everyone within the gym can follow to help maintain the atmosphere:

  • Please be mindful of the surfaces you touch while in the lounge and in the movement space. Do your best to follow the CDC’s guidelines of minimizing personal contact with others and the touching of your face, eyes, nose, ears or mouth and then touching other surfaces.
  • Hand sanitizer is located in the gym, but please note, the best and most effective form of cleaning your hands will always be washing your hands with soap and water for a minimum of 20 seconds.
  • Parents, please follow your children into the bathrooms to ensure that they are correctly washing their hands.
  • All persons in the gym should attempt to wash their hands before and after class (during?) and in between services for those staying for Open Gym or multiple classes.
  • If one family member is sick with the cold or flu, you are likely to be a carrier even if you’re not yet showing symptoms.

Thank you for standing together to help keep our community healthy as we all work to survive this financially and emotionally stressful time.

By |2020-03-12T16:22:12-04:00March 12th, 2020|News|Comments Off on RocPK’s Strategy in Dealing with COVID-19

Important Changes to RocPK Memberships 2020

Dearest RocPK Members,

I’ll cut right to it: It’s been almost 5 years since we last made changes to our pricing structure. Much has changed in that time frame, from doubling our staff, expanding our service offerings, investing in some incredible new equipment, and obviously, moving into our amazing new location. 

In the same way, our expenses have also changed. Minimum wage, for example, was still $9.25/hour when we last changed prices and just underwent a final annual increase to $12.50. Our health insurance premiums have increased nearly 35%, liability insurance premiums have risen 31%, and our rent has increased 58%. Inflation is also a reality that we are all subject to. Through all of that, we’ve managed to grow without upping our prices. 

There’s really no easy way to write letters like this, so let me just say, I think we’ve come up with a win-win for all of us in the Rochester Parkour community. With these price increases, we’ll also be initiating some updates on how memberships function to improve usability. These changes will be initiated on February 1st 2020.

We’ve learned a lot about ourselves and our community in the last 5 years and we think there’s some simple changes that can be made to make the Rochester Parkour Gym more affordable and accessible to all use-cases. 

First, some of you may have noticed we no longer advertise “Upgraded Memberships”. Part of our pricing changes means making our available options more streamlined and less confusing. We now only offer three types of monthly membership plans: Open Gym, Basic, and All Access Membership.

2020 Membership prices are as follows:

Open Gym Membership


Basic Membership


All Access Membership


Drop in prices and packages will see no change.

Open Gym Drop In


Class Drop In


10 Class Package


Rather than just increase prices with no change in membership function, we’ve decided to revise the membership experience and make it more adaptable to varying schedules. 

Notable Usability Changes:

Open Gym Plan members will now be considered as full-fledged members and will gain access to Member discounts on events and services. Additionally, Open Gym Memberships will now qualify for Family Member Discounts**.

**Please note: Open Gym Memberships are designed for adult use. We will continue to deny access to an Open Gym Membership to anyone under the age of 18 who has not been an active enrollee into class based services.

All Members will now be given the option to join additional classes for just $10 rather than the $20 that it was previously. An Open Gym Member can join any class service for just $10. A Basic Member could join a 6th class for just $10. 

Strength and Mobility Classes will still be classified as “Fitness Classes” and will be subject to the original Drop In class rate ($20/each). However, Open Gym Members will be able to attend for the new 50% off rate of $10/each.

Basic and All Access Members will gain access to all Strength and Mobility classes for free. Basic Members will no longer use one of their five classes by enrolling into any Fitness class.

The Zen Planner mobile app was recently updated to make the workouts function of the software easier to access. All members are now able to use the ZP mobile app to search through our database of exercises, skills, techniques, and gym challenges. Additionally, links to videos for each exercise, skill, technique, and gym challenge have been fixed and are now clickable through the app.

Over the next couple months, RocPK Staff will be at work updating and creating our ZP Workouts database to include nearly everything that is possible in the gym with a corresponding video. We believe these changes will help our members feel more empowered and feel less aimless during their open time at the gym.

Although membership prices are increasing, the value proposition and benefits are still clear. Basic tier members who come to 5 classes and 4 open gyms per month are still accessing a value of $140/month for only $90. All Access Members who come to 8 classes and 4 open gyms per month are accessing a value of $200/month for only $120 (and some members are even getting more value!).

Additionally – and maybe even more importantly – we want to acknowledge the fact that ever since the beginning of Rochester Parkour, anytime we’ve implemented pricing changes, we’ve offered our current enrollees the benefit of grandfathered rates. As a thanks for your continued patronage, whatever price you were paying before the price jump would stay so long as you kept your membership active. Some of you have quite literally maintained your original membership for over 7 years!

We think it’s high time to just codify these benefits in stone and call it what it is:

The RocPK Loyalty Program

Membership is a partnership between us as a business and you as the community it serves. Discounts are a way for us to say, “Thanks for making our lives easier when we buy equipment, sign lease contracts, or hire employees.” Memberships are what gives us a small glimmer of stability in an unstable world. 

Most businesses in the fitness industry force that stability with annual contracts. Our approach is to earn that stability with our amazing service and environment. We refuse the practice of these legally binding annual contracts. 

Instead, we’re going to start granting discounts to any member who chooses to maintain their membership payments for extended periods of time. Here’s what it looks like:

New Member

$0Monthly discount

RocPK Select Member

$5Monthly discount

RocPK Sustaining Member

$20Monthly discount

There are some limitations that need to exist in order for us to offer these discounts. As a rule, we only allow one discount to be applied per membership, which is to say, these loyalty discounts can only be applied on full priced memberships. Add-On Memberships for families don’t apply, but will still receive our incredible 25%, 50%, and 75% discounts. Placing your membership on hold or cancelling for any reason will reset your loyalty status back to 0. More information on how this program will operate is set to come out in an upcoming blog post, so be on the lookout for that. 

To finish up this long-winded letter, as a show of gratitude for all of you current RocPK Members, we’ve decided to initiate this new Loyalty Program retroactively. Anyone who has a current membership by January 31st, 2020 will automatically be bumped into the RocPK Select tier and receive their $5/month discount. Any member who has been on membership for 2+ years (by January 31st)  will automatically be placed into the RocPK Sustaining Member tier.

If you have any questions or concerns about the information provided in this post, you can call us at 585.204.7537, write to us at info@rochesterparkour.com, or you can find us in the gym and ask in person. 

Operating the Rochester Parkour Gym has been a huge honor for all of us who work here. We want you to know that this gym can only brag about being one of the longest running Parkour gyms in the nation because of the amazing community here.

None of this would be possible without you. 

None of this would be worth it without you. 


By |2020-01-09T16:04:24-05:00January 4th, 2020|News, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Important Changes to RocPK Memberships 2020

New! Member Referral Program

Movement is more fun when it’s shared and we’re making it even easier to share with your friends, co-workers, or class mates!

We’re making changes to our referral program. Starting today, referring new members to RocPK can get you huge discounts on your membership!

Here’s how it works:

  1. Tell your friends, co-workers, or class mates about Rochester Parkour and that you can get them a referral discount off membership
  2. Have your friend ask for a referral membership with your name and you’ll BOTH receive 25% off any full priced membership!

If they’ve never been to a class before, they’ll still be able to use their free trial.

We think that this is an excellent way for our members to feel empowered sharing their experience with RocPK. As a small business, it’s a challenge trying to combat the advertising budgets that big corporations have. Word of mouth is the most powerful and valuable form of advertising for small businesses, and we’re willing to thank you for that value with discounts on your membership.

There are a few details to know about:

  • Discounts and referrals can only be applied on full priced memberships – add on memberships don’t count
  • Referral discounts will be applied to current members on their next up-coming membership payment and cannot be retroactively applied
  • Discounts can absolutely be stacked! Refer multiple families, get multiple discounts. (e.g. if you have an $80/mo membership and refer 4 unique families in the same month, your next membership is FREE!)

If you have any other questions about how this program operates or functions, shoot us an email to info@rochesterparkour.com and one of our admins will help.

By |2019-09-05T11:21:56-04:00September 5th, 2019|News|Comments Off on New! Member Referral Program

RocPK 3.0 Move Day is Set!

We’ve officially been given the go ahead to start moving into our new space this coming Thursday, July 11th!

It’s been a long time coming and the move got pushed several times due to unforeseen factors, but this move means that we’ll be up and ready for action on Monday July 15th!

Official move day is Thursday which means we’ve gone ahead and canceled all Thursday classes through end of day Sunday the 14th, but it’s possible that contractors will be done in our space by the end of the work day on Wednesday. If that’s the case, we’ll be alerting everyone through our newsletter for the last minute closures of our Movement Circuits, Youth level 1, and our Adult level 1 classes. Kids and Tiny’s classes will be held as normal on Wednesday, no matter what.

The new space is really starting to pull together. Our beautiful new full pane windows were installed last week and they’re a real game changer for us.

We also have three times as many super bright LED lights!

Our front entrance won’t be completely done getting the same beautiful brick that our current entrance has by Monday, so any one coming to class will still use our current (old) entrance and will walk through our current space to the door in the back. We’ll let you know when the new entrance is available for use. The new entrance is going to be gorgeous though and we’ll have a nice big window that looks directly out into it.

Thanks again to all you amazing community members who have been patient with us during all this craziness! We appreciate you greatly and we’re excited to be able to have a space that can be more accommodating and better in every way for you and your family!


By |2019-07-06T12:35:00-04:00July 6th, 2019|News|Comments Off on RocPK 3.0 Move Day is Set!

RocPK 3.0 Learn Skills, Not Fear Fundraiser

The Rochester Parkour Gym is about to get a HUGE make-over! This means more space, more equipment, and more activities!

Unfortunately, it also means more expense…

When we introduced RocPK 2.0 back in the Spring of 2014, we started an Indiegogo fundraiser to offer the ability for our amazing community members to help off set the unexpected costs that were going to take place from the move. Now that we’re 5 years older, we also think we’re 5 years more mature and responsible and have decided that another crowd-funding event isn’t necessary for us.

At the same time, many of you have been asking how you can help with the move and what you can do to help. While we still don’t know specifics on when exactly we’ll be moving or how much we’ll need volunteers, we’ve come up with a fun way for you to help us offset unexpected costs while also getting more awesome swag!

Introducing the Learn Skills, Not Fear T-Shirt!

A t-shirt that embodies the spirit of Parkour!

So many people in today’s society go through life feeling trapped by their own bodies! This becomes exasperated by a fitness culture that has grown to idolize how someone looks rather than how someone moves. This trapped feeling builds and builds and soon becomes an illness of perpetual self-doubt that comes to life every time a person sees something and instantly says, “I couldn’t do that,” having never tried.

Parkour is the antidote for this systemic epidemic on today’s society. Through training movements, we become more capable, more balanced, more agile, stronger, and more adept. Each individual skill is a thread and the more skills we learn, the more these threads weave themselves together to become the strongest safety net we will ever have. It’s a safety net that is always in place, ready to catch you when life throws you a curve ball. It’s a safety net that is invisible to everyone but you and it’s also a safety net that can never be bought – it must be earned.

You have this safety net. Now tell the world how they can own one, too. Learn skills, not fear.

Athletic Wear Sport-Tek 100% Polyester Tee
Shirt Color: Iron Grey
Adult Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL, 2XL, 3XL, 4XL
Youth Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL

Gilded Fundraiser Option

If you’re interested in helping us ensure that our move expenses are met and our instructors stay fed, you can pre-order one (or lots!) of these t-shirts. There are two ways to purchase these shirts:

  • Standard: $20, standard white ink on front and back
  • Gilded: $45, premium gold ink on front

Choosing to gild your t-shirt not only helps support the gym and our instructors during this time of challenge, it also makes your new t-shirt POP!

Gilded Learn Skills, Not Fear t-shirts will never happen again once pre-orders are done!!!

How to Order

  • 2. Choose the style (gilded or non-gilded) and change the quantity for however many you’d like to pre-order

  • 3. Tell us what size(s) you need in the Notes section at the bottom of the order form before you submit the order!

By |2019-05-31T13:30:28-04:00May 28th, 2019|News|Comments Off on RocPK 3.0 Learn Skills, Not Fear Fundraiser

Big Changes coming to RocPK Adult Programs!

While our big announcement of RocPK 3.0 is easily visualized with the physical change of locations, we also have big plans for changing how RocPK operates and how our members (and the public) interact and participate in our services. Of these operational changes, we’ve decided to evolve the way that our Adult Programs function.

There are many ways to experience and train Parkour: slow and methodical, fast and dynamic, or physically and mentally complex. There are absolutely reasons why someone may be drawn to only one aspect of those styles, but there’s also a lot to be gained by exploring all of them too.

RocPK’s Level program was designed to keep Level 1 curriculum mostly slow and methodical, while also providing a venue for beginner students to build their technical foundations as well as their strength and coordination. We designed the Level 2 program to house curriculum that mostly explores fast, dynamic, and technically and mentally complex movements. For safety, we’ve required students to pass their Level Test before gaining entry into the Level 2 classes.

In addition to that, our reluctance to advertise class curriculum ahead of time was a philosophical decision to remove a student’s ability to abstain from class curriculum that, while good for their movement education, they might abstain from simply because they don’t like it.

With 8 years of teaching experience under our belt, we’ve come to understand that this system is no longer the best way to function. We want to create an environment where our Level 2 students understand that just because they’re Level 2, doesn’t mean that there’s nothing left to learn from a Level 1 class. We want to create an environment where Level 1 students don’t think that all fast and dynamic styles of movement are equally as unattainable until they pass all aspects of their Level Test. We also want to create an environment that puts the power of choice and responsibility back into the hands of our students.

Given all of these wants, effective this week, the Adult requirement of passing the Level Test is no more. Instead, those ‘requirements’ will be downgraded to ‘guideline recommendations’.

Additionally, we’ve decided to cease our practice of never announcing curriculum ahead of time.

What we hope to accomplish with this change is to give our students (as well as prospective students) the ability to custom tailor their experience with RocPK classes. Perhaps you’re a Level 2 student, but it’s been a while since you’ve been to a class that just focuses on the basics of contralateral vaults. That student will now be able to locate and find a Level 1 class that fits that desire. Perhaps you’re a Level 1 student, and while you have yet to completely pass your Level Test, you see a Level 2 class with a Muscle Up focus and you’ve been interested in knowing more what drills and exercises you can practice to help you obtain that skill. That Level 1 student can now make an informed choice for themselves whether or not they can benefit from being a participant in this class. Finally, perhaps you’re a climber, crossfitter, or overall physically athletic individual and you see something on the Level 2 curriculum that catches your eye. No more will those prospective students need to perform, film, and apply for entry to Level 2 classes before being accepted.

With this change, we’d also to explicitly state three things:

  • Level 1 tier classes will ALWAYS adapt curriculum to the athletic restrictions of participating students
  • Level 2 tier classes will NEVER GUARANTEE adapted curriculum to the athletic restrictions of participating students
  • These changes ONLY apply to our Adult Programs. RocPK Youth Programs will continue to function as they have in the past.

Starting this today, RocPK will begin announcing all curriculum focuses for all Adult technique classes on Sundays via our website blog and social media (Instagram/Facebook). Our first blog post is already live if you want to see what is being offered this week!

-RocPK Team

By |2019-04-29T12:52:25-04:00April 29th, 2019|Featured, News|Comments Off on Big Changes coming to RocPK Adult Programs!

RocPK 3.0! We’re Moving…. sort of?

TL;DR – We’re moving next door and getting more space. Yay!

This month, Rochester Parkour turned 8 years old! It seems so long and so short all at the same time, but in those 8 years, RocPK has had two distinct major updates. One was our opening and then, 5 years ago, Rochester Parkour uprooted from its first home on Lincoln Ave and moved across town to our beautiful 1344 University Ave location. Everything about the space really fit with who we were and it helped us flourish. We called it RocPK 2.0.

RocPK 1.0RocPK 2.0

Today we’re happy to finally announce that we’ve come to an agreement with our current landlord to acquire some more (much needed) space for all of you awesome members! It will require us to close down and move our objects, just like before. However, whereas 5 years ago we broke down the gym and moved it from the West side of Rochester to the East side, this time we’ll be moving them a grand total of…. 100 feet!

Well, 116 feet to be precise. As many of you have noticed, Core Athletix (the cheerleader gym) moved out a couple of months ago and that space has remained vacant since. While we can’t feasibly take on the entire 10,000 sqft space, we’ll be upgrading from 3,300 sqft to 4,600 sqft.

The entrance to the space is getting a face lift just like our front entrance did when we moved into our current space. That reality also means that we don’t yet have a specific move date, but we can assure you that we will be as forthcoming as possible once we know exactly when the move date will be and how it will affect our class schedule. We are devoted to ensure there is as little down time as possible.

Our last move was extremely challenging, but we were so appreciative and humbled by all the members who reached out offering to volunteer and help in any way. We love the community here! As mentioned before, if you’re interested in lending a hand, we’ll be communicating out information on move dates and volunteer opportunities as we get closer.

We’re excited to grow into the new space and we’ll be sharing out small updates on the construction and build out as it happens through our Instagram and facebook accounts, so be on the lookout for those.

Thanks for 8 years of continued support!

By |2019-04-26T15:40:45-04:00April 26th, 2019|News|Comments Off on RocPK 3.0! We’re Moving…. sort of?
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