RocPK 3.0! We’re Moving…. sort of?
TL;DR – We’re moving next door and getting more space. Yay!
This month, Rochester Parkour turned 8 years old! It seems so long and so short all at the same time, but in those 8 years, RocPK has had two distinct major updates. One was our opening and then, 5 years ago, Rochester Parkour uprooted from its first home on Lincoln Ave and moved across town to our beautiful 1344 University Ave location. Everything about the space really fit with who we were and it helped us flourish. We called it RocPK 2.0.
Today we’re happy to finally announce that we’ve come to an agreement with our current landlord to acquire some more (much needed) space for all of you awesome members! It will require us to close down and move our objects, just like before. However, whereas 5 years ago we broke down the gym and moved it from the West side of Rochester to the East side, this time we’ll be moving them a grand total of…. 100 feet!
Well, 116 feet to be precise. As many of you have noticed, Core Athletix (the cheerleader gym) moved out a couple of months ago and that space has remained vacant since. While we can’t feasibly take on the entire 10,000 sqft space, we’ll be upgrading from 3,300 sqft to 4,600 sqft.
The entrance to the space is getting a face lift just like our front entrance did when we moved into our current space. That reality also means that we don’t yet have a specific move date, but we can assure you that we will be as forthcoming as possible once we know exactly when the move date will be and how it will affect our class schedule. We are devoted to ensure there is as little down time as possible.
Our last move was extremely challenging, but we were so appreciative and humbled by all the members who reached out offering to volunteer and help in any way. We love the community here! As mentioned before, if you’re interested in lending a hand, we’ll be communicating out information on move dates and volunteer opportunities as we get closer.
We’re excited to grow into the new space and we’ll be sharing out small updates on the construction and build out as it happens through our Instagram and facebook accounts, so be on the lookout for those.
Thanks for 8 years of continued support!